Sunday, November 7, 2010


Hey so thought I'd update you folks with more pictures.  We've been so busy with teaching, learning Russian, and trying to get some community projects started.  But we've had a couple of events for the school.  We even threw the children a Halloween event.  They had fun carving pumpkins, and some games that we made for them.

What our Staryi Bilous cluster has been up to is just a trip to Ukraine's capital - Kyiv

Just some fun sites that we got to see.  

Here is the Dacha (Summer house) of our supposed field trips.  It was quite an experience....

Yeah we work hard.  I figure its better to put pictures so that you guys can see what I see.  Pictures say a 1000 words.  And I've posted about 20 pictures.  You do the math.  

Anyways, we have about a month till we leave for our permanent site.  Keep you posted.